Research at the KSH

Research and practice-oriented development projects have a long tradition at the KSH Munich. In terms of the requirements of professional practice in social work, childhood education, educational sciences, nursing management and nursing education, the vocational disciplines must establish and further develop their own academic foundations. Due to their close links with daily practice, universities of applied sciences are particularly suited to carry out such research. The KSH actively provides the opportunity for lecturers to conduct research and encourages students to participate.

The research and development sector is led by the Vice-President Prof. Dr. Martina Wolfinger.

The Research and Development Centre (Z:F:E - Zentrum für Forschung und Entwicklung) has the task of coordinating and carrying out research and development into the fields of (early) childhood education, nursing and care research. The R&D activities are focused on the immediate needs in practice, which is reflected in the main areas of research. An innovative feature at the university is the The Interdisciplinary "Center for Aging: Reserarch for the Future", which combines relevant research, teaching and transfer on the topic of ageing under one roof.

Further information about research at the KSH Munich

Main areas of research

The focal points of the various research projects at the KSH always orientate themselves towards practice, as well as the needs of the respective user. Current research results are incorporated, as well as the findings from cooperation with our partners.

Research projects

The research projects which are carried out at the KSH comprise a range of topics from the areas of social work, (early) childhood education, nursing and care research, and incorporate various formats such as evaluations, surveys and analyses.

Z:F:E - research management

The KSH has its own research management department in order to ensure a high level of quality in its research projects. The contact staff work to ensure the research projects run smoothly, and answer any questions the researchers may have.

Collaborative doctoral degrees

Since 2012, students can not only conduct doctoral degrees at universities, but also at universities of applied sciences. For KSH Master’s graduates, doctoral degrees are currently possible in three different programmes with different focal points.

  • The Interdisciplinary Competence Centre "Centre for Aging: Research for the Future"


    The KSH is home to the The Interdisciplinary Competence Centre "Centre for Aging: Research for the Future", which combines all activities in research, teaching and transfer related to the topic of ageing. The university tackles an important social issue which will soon become even more significant by thinking about the future based on the three terms of academia, action and expertise.

  • Research and Development Centre (Z:F:E - Zentrum für Forschung und Entwicklung)

    The KSH has its own research management department in order to ensure a high level of quality in its research projects. The contact staff work to ensure the research projects run smoothly, and answer any questions the researchers may have.

  • Interdisciplinary Research Ethics Committee


    The Interdisciplinary Research Ethics Committee at the KSH Munich provides opinions on ethical issues and answers questions on research ethics across disciplines. It assesses ethical aspects of research projects on subjects relating to nursing, healthcare, social sciences, educational and religious studies or therapy.


Your contact at the Research and Development Centre (Z:F:E)

The staff at our university’s research department work to ensure the research projects run smoothly and successfully in terms of content and organisation.

Andrea Dorfer, M.Sc.
Research management
Office Munich, Kirchenstraße 37, phone: +49 89 48092-8275

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